Saturday, June 8, 2013

Happy Yarn Bombing Day

I did absolutely nothing to celebrate International Yarn bombing Day but - I have friends. I have awesome friends! Lori gets into yarn bombing in a very creative way. She doesn't knit a flat yarn piece and just slap it up on a tree or something, she creates works of art.

A few year's ago she knit a hat to fit over the hat on the Mary Tyler Moore statue in downtown Minneapolis.

This year a dragon over a bike rack. What is extra special about this dragon is it's location. Apparently, she didn't even notice the pub across the street until after the dragon was "birthed". Across the street is a pub called George and the Dragon. How perfect is that!

The last picture may take a bit to open because I left it "full size" so you can enlarge to see the dragon and pub better.


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