Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Mystery Continues

Well one of the Sock of the Month socks is done and the other started. Our next knitting night is July 23rd so I need to finish the 2nd sock next week. I figure if I don't finish them each month I'll end up with billions and billions of orphan socks. I'm like that. Do it now or it never gets done.

The Mystery Shawl 3 is still going well. Clue 3 is done. Clue 4 will be a larger clue and we'll get it Friday. I'm not doing the beads because I'm not a beads on clothing kind of person but I'm enjoying the shawl so far.

Chief says it's time for Bert's bath -

Enough is enough! I'm clean already! - Bert

1 comment:

Guinifer said...

Do the boys shed a lot in the warm weather? They're lookin' a little toasty on that windowsill.